Sodium Phosphate will complete the cycle of those born between
September 23 and October 22. A lack of this mineral will cause
problems with the bladder, kidneys, and lungs. Sodium Phosphate
helps expel carbonic acid from the lung, bladder, and skin. It also
helps relieve worry, jealousy, fear, and kidney and bladder conditions.
Sodium Phosphate can be obtained by eating celery, carrots, spinach,
asparagus, beets, peas, yellow corn, strawberries, apples, figs,
blueberries, raisins, almonds, fresh coconut, oatmeal, and wheat;
or in the New Body Herbal Formula LIB (Libra).
Ingredients: Rose Hips, Thyme, Alfalfa, Dandelion Root, Licorice,